To encourage the Women at the just concluded Lagos Zonal Convention of the NIGERIAN NAVY CHRISTIAN WOMEN FELLOWSHIP which took place at the Nigerian Navy Protestant Cathedral, Navy Town Ojo between the 12th and 13th August was the NOWA National  President ably represented by Mrs Zainab Akpan the NOWA National Vice President.        

 Mrs Zainab Akpan mounted the pulpit preaching and teaching like a professional pastor  charging the women to make the right sacrifices to preserve their lives and that of their families by leading Godly lives. Her teachings focused on the theme SACRIFICES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS taken from the book of Psalms 51:19.

Gracing the occasion with motherly love in support of the women was the mother of the  National Vice President.

The next zone to host the  convention was unveiled by CSO Western Naval Command Rear Admiral JN Mamman ,the Representative of the Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral EI Oghalla at the close of the Thanksgiving church service.

The host CAPT REV BME Ajayi Director Naval Chaplaincy (Protestant) and his lovely wife Mrs Abiola Ajayi did a commendable job at hosting everyone who came for the Service. He also left us with gratitude and goodwill messages to the CNS and his delectable Wife on behalf of the church.

It was such a colourful gathering of men and women expressing gratitude to God for His mercies in diverse forms . Various Choir groups took turns in thrilling the audience.

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